Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Teaching the preschoolers numbers

Besides alphabets, teaching the children about numbers is also an essential task. Since it forms the base of various mathematical skills, it becomes important to make them familiar with the numbers. But teaching them counting can be quite very difficult at times. So child oriented or activity based approach needs to be used. This will not only generate the interest  in the subject matter but also develop  logical thinking, reasoning and problem solving ability of the child. At the same time it will make the process of teaching much more easy and fun. Various methods that can be used to make children familiar withthe numbers are as follows :
* Sing a song - Songs or poems like one two buckle my shoe can be used to help them learn the counting from 1 to 10. So they will know the sequence of numbers by this method.

* Computer - Computer is an important educational tool and can be used to teach numbers to the children . The children can be taught counting by typing from 1 to 10 on word document. The parent or teacher can also help them type numbers on their own.

* Educational programmes - Nowadays various educational cd's are available in the market that prove to be of great help in teaching. Various educational programmes shown on certain channels also assist in teaching small children. These can be utilized by the caregivers to teach the children numbers.

* Board Books - These thick paged books with colourful pictures can also be used to help children recognise the numbers and learn to count from 1 to 10. Together with your child you can go through them and teach them counting.

* Blocks - Another important teaching aid is the number block or cube. These are easily available in the market and can be used to make children familiar with the numbers. You can play with the blocks with your child, at the same time show him the various numbers and tech him counting.

* Colouring Books - Children enjoy colouring pictures. This activity can be used to help them recognise the numbers and do counting. Colouring books are easily availble in the market.
        All these activities listed above involve the child and hence help them learn faster. But in order to teach the preschoolers  you should carefully plan the process and let them learn at their own pace. It is better to consider one number for some time before moving on to the other. Concentrate on one number at a time by showing same number of familiar things while teaching. Once the child becomes familiar with the numbers and can count uptill 10 it becomes easier to teach him how to count. Now all that needs to be done is help him count all the familiar objects around him. This can be made a part of daily routine like counting the fingers in hand or number of buttons in the shirt, or fruits in the fruit basket and so on. Besides this encourage your child to recognise the numbers at various places like in the telephone numbers, house numbers etc. This will help memorise all that he has learnt.
        Introduce the question 'how many' to him. When you ask it again and again, it will become clear to the child that this question requires him to count the number of objects. Another counting activity of mixing and matching can be played where you can place the number of things on one side and numbers on the other. The children can be asked to count the objects and keep the respective number in front of it. All these activities will not only boost up his confidence but also develop his logical thinking and problem solving ability.

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